Pool & Spa Treatment
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A natural enzyme clarifier, which effectively breaks down and emulsifies suntan lotions, body oils, cosmetics, perspiration, dead skin, saliva and other organic matter that contaminates your pool or spa. This results in the elimination of cloudy water, black water line rings, scum build-up, and chlorine odours.
- Enzyme Type: Free Lipase Enzymes
- Enzyme count: 12,000 LU / ml
- Form: Liquid
- Appearance: Blue
- Fragrance: Minty
- Shelf life: 12 months
- Swimming Pools
- Spa Baths
- Fountains
- Reduces your harsh chemical usage
- All-natural enzymes
- Biodegradable
- Safe for people and pets
- Environmentally safe
- Hypo-allergenic (nonirritating)
- Filter cleaner
- Compatible with all pool sanitisers
Swimming Pools:
- Pool & Spa Treatment should initially be added to the circulating water through the skimmer.
- Initial Dosage: Add 100 ml per 6,500 liters of pool water
- Maintenance Dosage: Add weekly thereafter at the rate of 50 ml per 6,500 liters of water.
Spa Baths:
- Initial Dosage: Add 10 ml per 2,500 liters of water.
- Maintenance Dosage: Add weekly at the rate of 5 ml per 2,500 liters of water.